Little Home Church by the Wayside


The  LHC 150th Anniversary Celebration was held on October 16 & 17, 2021 with a series of special events, fun activities and beautiful ways to commemorate this very important milestone in the life and history of Little Home Church by the Wayside.

A Wine & Cheese Reception was held on Saturday, October 16, from 5 to 7 pm and hosted by The Men of LHC.

On Sunday, October 17 the day started with a Coffee Hour at 10 am and hosted by Sisters in Spirit (SiS). Worship Service began at 11 am and featured a world premier choir and brass piece by Joel Raney, which was specifically commissioned for the event.

An After Party was held from Noon to 2 pm, with Food trucks: Jam Rock BBQ and Da Pizza Dude, Kimmer’s Ice Cream, Kids’ activities, Music by Salsa del Norte, and an Open House in the Sanctuary featuring historic photos displays. A new book, Plow and the Cross-Part 2 was offered for orders. And Personal Memories of the Church: a Video series of interviews of church members was presented.

Grateful for the Past — Joyful for the Present — Embracing the Future

"And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shall raise up the foundations of many great generations; and thou shall be called, the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in.”    

Isaiah 58:12

We look back...and we look forward!

In celebration of the past 150 years and in preparation for the next 150, our church has undertaken 'Joyfully' a major restoration and renovation of the church sanctuary and adjoining fellowship hall and offices. We continue our mission-focused goals and our commitment to the surrounding community, by rebuilding a part of the church's property to become the Community House. LEARN MORE


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